because writing is clarifying

because writing is clarifying

Subbu Allamaraju’s Journal

05 Feb 2011

Can Pipelining Help?

HTTP pipelining is often suggested as a way to dramatically improve page load times, or to solve multi-GET use cases for RESTful applications. Whether pipelining can achieve the intended effect or not truly depends on what gets pipelined and how the server implements pipelining.
25 Jan 2011

Chatty Apps

We know that the first practice to speed up performance of a site is to minimize the number of HTTP requests. The same should be true for mobile apps too, but the results I find from some of the apps I commonly use on my iPhone show that the apps have not paid enough attention to this practice.
25 Jul 2010

BigPipe Done in Node.js

Here is a quick hack
15 Nov 2008

POST Caching Example

Here is a good example of caching of POST responses by Henrik Nordström in the HTTP WG
28 Oct 2008

Resource Identity and Cool URIs

In response my InfoQ article on Describing RESTful Applications, some of the comments I received so far dealt with resource identity.
15 Oct 2008

Explaining State in HATEOAS

Explaining “state” in “Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State” (HATEOAS) is a bit tricky, particularly when you have to do it under two minutes.
10 Oct 2008

Location vs. Content-Location

Here is a quick note on the purposes of and differences between Location and Content-Location response headers.